Closed Formal Bids/RFP's
RFP #24-010 Auditing Services
Sealed Proposals are being requested by Gulf Coast Transit District for RFP #24-010 Auditing Services. Submittals will be received electronically at: Submittals are due no later than: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 2:00 p.m. CST. Proposals will be publicly opened at 1415 33rd Street N, Texas
City, Texas 77590 with only the respondent names being read aloud. Late submissions will not be accepted.
The Request for Proposals and addenda, if applicable, are posted at: and . Registration with PublicPurchase is required to view specifications, bid documents and to electronically submit proposals. There is NO charge to register, view, download documents or submit proposals. Instructions on ‘How to Register’ are included in the RFP.
Inquiries about this RFP may be submitted through PublicPurchase, on the RFP page by using the ‘question’ feature. As an alternative, questions may be submitted to: Deadline to submit questions is Tuesday, Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
Gulf Coast Transit District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals, to waive any and all irregularities and technicalities, and to accept any bid which it deems advantageous to it. Each Respondent agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against the Board of Directors, Executive Leadership and employees, arising out of or in connection with the administration, evaluation or recommendation of any bid or proposal.
§ Publication Dates:
· Sunday, September 1, 2024
· Sunday, September 8, 2024